ZS’s Barbara Schellenberg Quoted In NY Times

On October 23, 2023, The New Times published an article discussing the recent lawsuit Mark Kordick v. Town of Greenwich and the current political atmosphere in Greenwich.ZS defended the Town of Greenwich and former First Selectman Peter Tesei in this lawsuit.ZS was successful in getting Mr. Tesei dismissed from this lawsuit. After picking a jury, the Town’s insurance company accepted Plaintiff’s offer to settle. Barbara Schellenberg, a founding member ofZS and the current Town Attorney for the Town of Greenwich, was interviewed and quoted extensively in the NY Times’ article. A copy of the article can be found at https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/23/nyregion/fred-camillo-trump-signs-greenwich.html. Attorneys Courtney George and Owen Weaver were the trial attorneys for the Town

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