ZS Files and Settles Lawsuit Against the Town of Bethel Over the Illegal Swearing in of its New First Selectman

Attorneys Timothy Herbst and Owen Weaver successfully filed and secured a settlement in a litigation against the Town of Bethel, the Town of Bethel Board of Selectman, and Richard Straiton, who was illegally sworn in as the Town’s First Selectman following the resignation of its prior First Selectman Matthew Knickerbocker. The lawsuit was brought by a concerned citizen who claimed that Mr. Straiton’s swearing in as First Selectman violated the Town’s Charter. After service of the lawsuit, the parties quickly came to a settlement which resulted in Mr. Straiton ceasing to act as First Selectman and the calling of a special election to fill the vacant office of First Selectman as the Town Charter requires. To read more about the lawsuit, see:

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